Director - Thomas Riedelsheimer
Script - Thomas Riedelsheimer
Camera - Thomas Riedelsheimer
Producers - Stefan Tolz, Leslie Hills
Production - Filmpunkt

Qatar, Portugal, Mexico, Japan and Germany those are the countries in which renowned German director and cameraman Thomas Riedelsheimer is looking for “The Colour of Yearning“. With striking images, music, poems and eight touching stories about love, home, hope, nature and freedom this film talks about the tragedy but also the bliss of being human.

At  forty years of age, Layla, in Doha Qatar wants finally to start feeling alive. She wants to be free and to get a tattoo a red butterfly.

Dona Mingas, fifty, lives in Cova da Moura, an immigrant  neighborhood of  Lisbon. At nineteen she left Cabo Verde. Two daughters stayed behind. One day she wants to return home. Tazy is born in the neighborhood that he calls his Ghetto. And the ghetto is a difficult place.

Julius has just finished Highschool in Munich. He suffers with the world and wants to make it a better place with his music. He is having a hard time finding his place in society.

 Tada-San lives in Kamagasaki, a part of the high-tech world of Osaka, crowded with homeless people. Tada fights his condition with poems that he writes in workshops held by Kanayo Ueda.

I belong to the sea“ says Alfredo, a Cuban diver and cameraman, who lives in La Paz, Mexico. Above all he loves the sea. But now his great love has a competitor.

Talk to them, listen to them, prevent them jumping off the cliff. Former policeman Shige-San could not stand the Japanese attitude of just ignoring the high suicide rate and made it his job to do something about it.